Matéo Maximoff Library / Mediatheque Matéo Maximoff
Fnasat-Gens du voyage / Etudes Tsiganes
Toolkits & manuals about Roma
The European “Boogie Man” Complex: Challenging Antigypsyism through Non-Formal Education, Jonathan Mack, ed., Phiren Amenca, and the European Youth Centre Budapest of the Council of Europe, 2012.
Right to Remember: A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide; Ellie Keen; ed. Council of Europe, 2014.
Education for Remembrance of the Roma Genocide: Scholarship, Commemoration and the Role of Youth, Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, Esteban Acuña C. and Piotr Trojański, ed., Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative, ternYpe International Roma Youth Network, 2014.
Barabaripen – Young Roma Speak about Multiple Discrimination, Lucie Fremlova, Mara Georgescu, Gábor Hera, Laura-Greta Marin, Goran Miletic; Lucie Fremlova, Mara Georgescu, ed. Council of Europe, 2014.
Youth in Action and the Roma Community: Inclusion and Diversity, Salto Youth Cultural Diversity Resource Center
Mirrors: Manual on combating antigypsyism through human rights education; Elie Keen; ed.Council of Europe, 2015.
Other toolkits and manuals
All Different All Equal – Education pack, European Passport against Intolerance, Council of Europe,1995
Compass: Manual on Human Rights Education with Young People, ed.;Council of Europe, 2002.
Compasito: Manual on Human Rights Education for Children, Nancy Flowers, ed.; Council of Europe, 2007.
Romed Trainer’s Handbook: European training programme on intercultural mediation for Roma communities, ed. ;Council of Europe, 2016
Film & education resources
Film Festivals and cultural events
Skopje’s Golden Wheel Film Festival
Latcho Divano: Festival des Cultures Tsiganes – Marseille
IRAF: International Romani Arts Festival, Romania
Ake Dikea? Festival of Romani Film
The Romani Film Commission, Hungarian Cultural Institute in Berlin
Colorful but Color Blind: Roma Beyond Stereotypes
This project seeks to counter these age-old prejudices with twenty-five stories featuring personal insights into the daily lives of Roma people. Colorful but Colorblind, uses multimedia storytelling to promote social integration of Roma in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.
The RomArchive (Germany, Kulturstiftung des Bundes)
an international digital archive for art of the Roma
Research & publication
Available online
- Roma on the Screen: the Roma on Europe’s Cinema Screens
Images of Freedom, Dominique Chansel, Council of Europe, (2005 date tbc) - Roma Rights 1 – 2017 : Roma and Conflict: Understanding the Impact of War and political Violence
Ismael Cortés, (16/05/2017 ) - Moving images of exclusion: Persisting tropes in the filmic representation of European Roma
Hilde Hoffmann - “The Roma on Screen: Voicing the Counter-Hegemonic.”
Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies 4 (1): 63–81.
Hope, W. 2016. - “Screen Gypsies.” Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media 44 (2): 15–33.
Imre, A. 2003. - ‘The Roma do not exist’: The Roma as an object of cinematic representation and the question of authenticity.
Objects: material, psychic, aesthetic.
Homer, Sean. 2006, Journal of Theory and Criticism 14: 183-197. - “The figure of the imaginary gypsy in film: I Even Met Happy Gypsies (1967)”
Mladenova, Radmila, 2016.
In: Romani Studies 26(1). Ed. Yaron Matras. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1-30.
- “The Construct ‘Gypsy’. The Representations of Sinti and Roma as Nomads and Entertainers:
From Circus to the Early Silent Films.”
Hadziavdic, H., 2007. PhD diss. University of Illinois at Chicago. - “Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves’: Examining Representations of Roma Culture in 70 Years
of American Television.”
Schneeweis, A., and K. A. Foss. 2017, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 1–26. - “Demotic or Demonic? Race, Class and Gender in ‘Gypsy’ Reality TV.
Tremlett, A. 2014. ” The Sociological Review 62 (2): 316–334.